Academic Volunteer Bank (AVB)

Academic Volunteer Bank (AVB) is aimed at creating a pool of knowledge resource for the benefit of KSHEC for its various activities and other higher education institutions in the state.

It primarily includes two categories of specialists:

1) Academics who have proved and established themselves in their respective fields of knowledge.
2) Those outside the academic system but have established themselves with their expertise, skill and professional knowledge in their domain.
Besides identifying academic scholars, AVB seeks and locates knowledge resources among the people, the civil society and folk traditions

AVB of Academics

In the present context of new Regulations by UGC a number of established scholars in academics who retire at the age of 56 or 60 are completely cut off from academic institutions, without even supervising research activities. A great amount of expertise, experiential resource and valuable knowledge remain untapped for the benefit of students, teachers and higher education institutions. If the knowledge of these scholars could be utilised in a fruitful manner by providing them with an ambience to update themselves and to make their knowledge available to higher education institutions, it would positively impact teaching, learning and research in these institutions.

The resource of retired faculty may be utilised by higher education institutions in the form of interactions, talks, classes etc. They could even offer specialised courses on demand from other institutions.

AVB of Non-academic resource persons

It is a well-known fact that there are a number of experts and skilled persons around us whose local/native, traditional, folk knowledge may be of use to academic departments but who need not have undergone formal University education. They include artists, musicians, folk instrumentalists, native technologists, writers, local entrepreneurs, those with native/local knowledge, social activists and so on.

Method of Selection

In order to create the AVB, the KSHEC may:

  a) invite applications from interested scholars through a public announcement
  b) consider nominations from higher education institutions
  c) KSHEC itself may extend invitation to well-known scholars

The applications/ nominations along with their detailed CV/Bio-data may be scrutinised and finalised by KSHEC. The list thus prepared may be amended and updated from time to time by KSHEC.